First Grade Sight Words Lists and Worksheets

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If you have a first grader, chances are you have heard of sight words. Maybe your child learned kindergarten sight words, and you want to get them ready for their next grade level. Or you just want to download a list of sight words that your child will encounter in their reading.

Either way, it is important to help your first grader continue to learn new words so that they can become a fluent reader.

What is the difference between sight words and high frequency words?

Sight words are defined as words that are high frequency words, but do not follow phonetic patterns and therefore cannot be decoded, or sounded out. Some definitions even state that sight words are words that a child can instantly recognize, regardless of the phonetic pattern.

High frequency words are defined as words most commonly found in written language.

Many times people will interchange sight words for high frequency words, or high frequency sight words, but the main thing to remember is that all of these words are common words found in books, magazines, and newspapers.

The concept of sight words is that by learning these words, children will be able to more easily read most children's books; and can then use their phonics skills to decode and sound out more difficult words that follow phonics patterns.

Who created the Dolch Sight Word List?

The Dolch Sight Word list was compiled by Dr. Edward William Dolch. These are a common list of words found in a typical book.

What words are on the first grade sight word list?

The words on the Dolch First Grade sight word list are: after, again, an, any, as, ask, by, could, every, fly, from, give, going, had, has, her, him, his, how, just, know, let, live, may, of, old, once, open, over, put, round, some, stop, take, thank, them, then, think, walk, were, when

Click here to download a free Dolch sight words list

Who created the Fry Sight Word Lists?

The Fry Sight Word lists were compiled by Dr. Edward Fry. There are 1,000 words on the Fry sight word list, and each list is divided into 100 words. The Fry sight word list is considered a more modern list of words. By learning these basic sight words, first graders will be able to recognize and read most words found in children's books.

What words are on the Fry's first 100 sight word list?

The words on the Frys's first 100 sight word list are: a, about, all, am, an, and, are, as, at, be, been, but, by, called, can, come, could, day, did, do, down, each, find, first, for, from, get, go, had, has, have, he, her, him, his, how, I, if, in, into, is, it, its, like, long, look, made, make, many, may, more, my, no, not, now, number, of, on, one, or, other, out, part, people, said, see, she, so, some, than, that, the, their, them, then, there, these, they, this, time, to, two, up, use, was, water, way, we, were, what, when, which, who, will, with, words, would, write, you, your

Click here to download a free Fry's sight word list.

Why is learning sight words important?

Learning sight words is important beause it helps elementary students to focus on words that follow phonics patterns instead of stopping to try to sound out each word. Since many sight words do not follow a phonics pattern, they can be difficult to read.

Practice the sight words in a fun way with my Sight Word Notebook.

Students will color and cut out the sight words, and paste them onto another piece of paper.

The notebook also includes sight word worksheets to practice.

Activities to practice the First Grade Sight Words List:

Play Sight Word Games

Read Children's books

Use these playdoh mats to build sight words with playdoh

Find new sight words using this sight word wordsearch

By learning these common sight words, young readers will improve their reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension skills.

Need more practice?

Download these sight word worksheets now.
